
This true love between two opposing families will make you think twice about ‘Love at First Sight’. By Taylor

Everybody wants to believe in love at first sight, but nobody can find true love at just a glance. Baz Luhrmann succeeded at accurately portraying the true love that two youngsters from opposing families found in the Shakespearian play Romeo & Juliet. While watching the 1996 version of this love story, it came to my interest to write my opinion on it.
Basically, Baz Luhrmann wanted to portray the love of between Romeo and Juliet in a different setting. The 1996 version of the Shakespearian play takes place in Verona, Italy, but is filmed in Miami, Florida.
I find that the actors were better in this version, Leonardo DiCaprio was a much better actor at playing the role of Romeo than Leonard Whiting. Claire Danes, on the other hand, wasn’t as good as Olivia Hussey in the 1968 version of Romeo & Juliet.
Baz Luhrmann changed a lot of important scenes in the play to make it more up to date. For example, the play takes place in the 1990`s, instead of swords, they actors used guns.  For transportation, they used cars instead of horses. This in my opinion ruined the old-time ambiance of the timeframe.  Although, in the 1996 version of Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet, Leonardo DiCaprio was a much better actor than Leonard Whiting. Or at least he’s more physically attractive.
What I learned during this movie is that love at first sight might possibly exist. Also, in this Shakespearian play the two opposing families come together for their children. I personally think that by watching this movie, people will learn how to have respect for others and their families. This play would be suited for people who like romance but also like fight scenes.
I would recommend this movie to viewers over the age of 13 for the reason that there are scenes of violence and people who die, and for those reasons, the MPAA rating I give this movie would be PG-13. To conclude, this movie is good, it attracted me with the different scenery and actors, but also because the plot line was very moving, and it wasn’t slow at the beginning.
3 out of 5 Jewels.

A tragic movie for a tragic story. Guess it works. By Jewel

After being forced to read the play then watch the 1968 version of the classic Shakespearian play, ‘’Romeo & Juliet’’ I’m now supposed to write a critique on the movie. Well, the movie has many flaws, but it also has many good qualities. The movie, in my opinion, is a failure if it’s meant to capture the hearts of the viewers. Instead, I find it funnier than heart-warming and emotional. During the film, I laughed in moments when the director clearly didn’t have the intention of being comical.
Romeo, a Montague enemy of the Capulets finds himself in a sticky situation once he meets the daughter of Capulet. They end up in a twisted love story mixed with war between two families. The two get stuck between a rock and their prejudiced parents.
It’s very different from the play in many ways, some things were added in and others taken out. In the movie there was a wedding scene, but the play didn’t have one.  The scene in which Romeo got the vial of poison was removed and instead he conveniently had one in his pocket. His break into the Capulet catacomb was very cheesy and too dramatically executed. In the scene in which the newly weds woke up after a night of ‘fun’ there was a long unnecessary view of Romeos butt, while there was clearly a lot of effort put into covering Juliet’s chest when afterwards she simply flashed her boobs. The Capulet’s spurt of rage once Juliet expressed her refusal to marry Paris was exaggerated and looked ridiculous.
Overall I didn’t like the movie, and I wouldn’t recommend it unless you like bad acting and wasting your time on badly scripted old movies.

Two out of five Jewels.
We are 4 students that attend Père-rené-de-Galinée. We created a blog for movie reviews called Cinema Jewels. Cinema Jewels lets us rate all different types of movies froms comedies to horror movies and post comments on what you thought about the movie. The rating are in Jewels. The more Jewels you give, the movie the higher rating you give it the less you give it the lower rating you give it. The maximum amount of Jewels a movie can get is five.

Hi, I'm Jewel and I'm an anti-social who hates people and loves nutella. I spend my weekends on Tumblr and sleeping. My life goal is to become tumblr famous.I have this self-esteem issue where I hate myself but I find myself better than everyone else, 'cause honestly I am. I'm very judgemental, sarcastic and creative. I like to read and scrll through my dashboard for hours reblogging. My favorite movies are Eight Below and I Am Legend. My favorite actor of all time is Will Smith, and not just because in a lot of his movies he's shirtless or showering. I'm going to die alone with 50 cats.

Vas Happenin I'm Taylor, I like to spend time at my barn and ride my horse Chyenne, I like to spend my time on Twitter or on Tumblr reading One Direction fanfics. I'm creative, Original, and I tend to laugh about nothing.. My favorite movie at the moment would probably be the One Direction Live Tour DVD and the Titanic. My favorite actor would be Leonardo DiCaprio since he is a very good actor. I am going to die with my husband Niall Horan by my side. :)

Hello I'm Alyse, I love summer and going swimming and going to the beach. I love the rain and i spend most of my time on Youtube, Twitter and Tumblr or watching movies. I'm creative, outgoing and laugh...alot. I love to just chill and live in the moment. My favorite type of movies would have to be either Disney movies or romantic-comedies such as the Little Mermaid and Love Actually.I also really enjoyed the new movie Snow White And The Huntsman One of my favorite actors would be Chris Hemsworth Or Hugh Grant because they are very good actors. I'm going to die happily with Harry Styles by my side. :)

Hi I am O'Rissa. I enjoy drawing, cooking and reading in my free time. My favourite movie is One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and my favourite author is Vladimir Nabokov. I like autumn because I like the smell of rain and the colours of dead leaves. Unlike my colleagues, I am not obsessed (''dedicated'', according to them) about a boy band from the UK. My preferred actor is Jeremy Irons because he always plays interesting and controversial roles (for example, Scar in The Lion King). I don't know how I'm going to die because I'm not psychic.